Lecture2 (Basic of class and objects)(Real Video, 202 MB)
This video lecture discuss about classes and java built-in string data types , i.e. about String class and how to initialize it like any other variable, syntax for initializing string variable ,how to declare string variable ,how to overload the plus(+) operator in case of
String concatenation. Lecturer teaches about how to find length of string variable in java.
It discusses how to invoke methods on string variables and idea how to call static method on string variable.
Thereafter lecturer comes to the point and teaches about class and its implementation, then demonstrate and explain about getters and setters of in case of accessing private data members inside class and outside class. In a class what is constructor and what is use of it and how it can used and about overloading these all concept has been demonstrated by the help of a Vect2D class and at last lecture wrap up with call back idea.
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