Institute:MIT USA
Instructor: Prof. Charles Lieserson and Prof. Erick Demaine
Course name:SMA 5503
Fall year:2004
These video lecture are excellent course material for GATE preparation .
Lecture1.Includes The Role of Algorithms in Computing,What kinds of
problems are solved by algorithms,algorithms and its efficiency,Algorithms
and related technologies ,Analysis of Algorithms, Insertion Sort, Mergesort
etc download lecture..
Lecture2.This lecture teaches the substitution method for solving recurrences,
Big-O notation ,Omega notation,Theta notation,recursion-tree method for
solving complexity of recursive equation and its example, the master method
for solving complexity of recursive equation and its example,the master theorem,
Proof of the master theorem,how to solve complexity of recursive equation by
use of master method and related example ,Substitution method etc.
read more and download..
Lecture3.this lecture includes design techniques of algorithm-Divide-and-Conquer:
Strassen, Fibonacci technique, Polynomial Multiplication download lecture..
Lecture4.It covers Quicksort (algorithm,discussion of its complexity) and
Randomized Algorithms download lecture..
Lecture5 This lecture teaches Linear-time Sorting: Lower Bounds, Counting Sort,
Radix Sort download lecture..
Instructor: Prof. Charles Lieserson and Prof. Erick Demaine
Course name:SMA 5503
Fall year:2004
These video lecture are excellent course material for GATE preparation .
Lecture1.Includes The Role of Algorithms in Computing,What kinds of
problems are solved by algorithms,algorithms and its efficiency,Algorithms
and related technologies ,Analysis of Algorithms, Insertion Sort, Mergesort
etc download lecture..
Lecture2.This lecture teaches the substitution method for solving recurrences,
Big-O notation ,Omega notation,Theta notation,recursion-tree method for
solving complexity of recursive equation and its example, the master method
for solving complexity of recursive equation and its example,the master theorem,
Proof of the master theorem,how to solve complexity of recursive equation by
use of master method and related example ,Substitution method etc.
read more and download..
Lecture3.this lecture includes design techniques of algorithm-Divide-and-Conquer:
Strassen, Fibonacci technique, Polynomial Multiplication download lecture..
Lecture4.It covers Quicksort (algorithm,discussion of its complexity) and
Randomized Algorithms download lecture..
Lecture5 This lecture teaches Linear-time Sorting: Lower Bounds, Counting Sort,
Radix Sort download lecture..
Lecture6 This lecture teaches Order Statistics, Median download lecture now..
Lecture7 .This lecture teaches techniques of Hashing and Hash Functions
Lecture9 .This lecture teaches Relation of Binary Search Trees to Quicksort - Analysis
of Random BSTdownload lecture..
of Random BSTdownload lecture..
Lecture10. This lecture teaches Red-black Trees, Rotations, Insertions, Deletions
download now..
Lecture11. This lecture teaches Augmenting Data Structures, Dynamic
Order Statistics, Interval Treesdownload lecture..
Lecture11. This lecture teaches Augmenting Data Structures, Dynamic
Order Statistics, Interval Treesdownload lecture..
Lecture12. This lecture teaches about Skip Listsdownload lecture...
Lecture13 .This lecture teaches about Amortized Algorithms, Table Doubling,
Potential Methoddownload lecture..
Potential Methoddownload lecture..
Lecture14. This lecture teaches Competitive Analysis: Self-organizing Lists
download lecture..
Lecture15. This lecture teaches about Dynamic Programming, Longest
Common Subsequence(LCS)download lecture..
Lecture15. This lecture teaches about Dynamic Programming, Longest
Common Subsequence(LCS)download lecture..
Lecture16. This lecture teaches about Greedy Algorithms, Minimum
Spanning Trees ,how to solve it and related example download lecture..
Spanning Trees ,how to solve it and related example download lecture..
Lecture17 .This lecture teaches Shortest Paths I: Properties, Dijkstra's
Algorithm, Breadth-first Search(BFS) ,analysis and its complexity
download lecture..
Algorithm, Breadth-first Search(BFS) ,analysis and its complexity
download lecture..
Lecture18. This lecture teaches Shortest Paths II: Bellman-Ford,
Linear Programming, Difference Constraints download lecture..
Linear Programming, Difference Constraints download lecture..
Lecture19 .This lecture teaches Shortest Paths III: All-pairs Shortest
Paths, Matrix Multiplication, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Johnson algorithm
Paths, Matrix Multiplication, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Johnson algorithm
This is the best video tutorial ever made.
this is best
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